Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Bitter and better

At last,aku jumpa juga saut-satunya manusia yang memberikanku jawapan yang berbeza dan contra dari pendapat-pendapat org lain.Rmai advise aku untuk terus berada di sini by hook or by crook.Aku merasa lebih tenang setelah mendengar pendapat and have a slow talk with him,my counselor.Ya,he said that,its ok if u dun want to be here.But make sure taht u make a right decision.That's mean i dun go back because of silly things.I must go back for a though reason for a though future to handle.I must struggle to study and be excellence there!
If not,i will regret.

He was right.I must think for a long term.Eventhough i have my own plan for the future.But i have to change it a little bita in order to adapt with this situation.The situation that includes my parents' hope,heart and sacrifisation.Not only them but also my sis,bros,aunties,uncles and granmother.

Sometime that we have to eat something that we dun like,but its a cure.Sometimes we have the one that we like to eat,but its a poison;like sugar;it cause diabetese if taking too much.But like medicine or 'bitter things' its actually is a cure but we can't see it in a short time.
So,you can have more than one ambition.Its belong to you how to realize it and cope with tomorrowsss.

A bitter things come first before a better tomorrows.

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